What do the various colors of Brazilian Leg Weights in your GX3 FitCamp symbolize?

The various colors of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 lb. Brazilian Leg Weights symbolizes a GI's particular level of mental and physical accomplishments and proven competence.

In order to get to the next color level leg weight a GI must first demonstrate their mental and physical proficiency in strength, technique, control and conditioning with their current leg weights.
Level 1: Pair of 5 lb. or 10 lb. Green Camouflage Brazilian Leg Weights:

Green symbolizes; Inexperience, Enlightenment, Spiritually, Transformation, Rejuvenation & Vigor.

Green Camouflage Leg Weights are worn by Beginner GI's who are just starting to gain knowledge of our training methods. Knowledge and basic fundamentals are introduced here and are the first steps on the journey towards the ultimate goal, Black Leg Weights.

Level 2: Pair of 15 lb. Blue Camouflage Brazilian Leg Weights:

Blue symbolizes; Knowledge, Power, Depth, Stability, Wisdom, Confidence, Intelligence & Precision.

Blue Camouflage Leg Weights are worn by Intermediate GI's who are starting to feel their mind and body open up and develop into a higher level of mental and physical training.The techniques and intensity become more difficult creating greater challenges to over come.

Level 3: Pair of 20 lb. Black Camouflage Brazilian Leg Weights:

Black symbolizes; Mental & Physical Power; Depth, Self Discipline.

Black Camouflage Leg Weights are worn by Advanced 1st degree GI's whose knowledge, techniques, mental and physical strengths are maturing and are now starting to respect, appreciate and understand the fruits of their hard work preceding color levels 1 & 2.

Level 4: Pair of 25 lb. Solid Black Brazilian Leg Weights:

Black symbolizes; Mental & Physical Power; Depth, Self Discipline.

Solid Black Leg Weights are worn by the Advanced 2nd degree GI's at the highest level of training who have mentally and physically conquered, absorbed and mastered color levels 1 - 4.